9 Shot .22 LR / .22 WMR Revolver Speedloaders
9 Shot .22 LR / .22 WMR Revolver Speedloaders
The MakerShot revolver loader is made of a solid aluminum knob and body, with an adjustable polymer ammo-locking system, held together with a steel core. This design allows it to be the most compact revolver loader available. The MakerShot loader is the simplest to operate on the market when paired with the compatible clear polycarbonate MakerShot Loading Block and lid. To load, simply place the ammo into the loader body and twist. The lock indicator will show when the ammo is secured. One counter-clockwise click and your ammo is released into your favorite cowboy gun.
RL11 loader pairs with RT22091 loader block: Revolvers: H&R 9 shot; Taurus 94.
RL12 loader pairs with RT22092 loader block: Revolvers: Taurus Tracker 991, 992 Diamondback; Dan Wesson 22.
Revolvers similar to the items listed here are likely also compatible.